New Magazine Out...

So, I received a charter issue of a new magazine today in the mail....funny how they know exactly how to target the cooks via snail mail. I guess they snagged my name and info from another food-related magazine?

Anyway, it's from the creators of "Cooks Illustrated," a very no-nonsense magazine that shows in-depth diagrams of, say, how to carve a chicken, as well as tried and true recipes and techniques for things such as pastry cream, something we aren't always bold enough to try without an expert by our sides.

The newly hatched chick is called "Cook's Country." I immediately digged the kitchy-style cover, simple and oh-so-50s. The foods are reminiscent of things that used to show up at church picnics when I lived in the country....fresh produce, pure ingredients, REAL food....instead of inedible details perched atop takes-a-whole-week-to-complete food works of art. Refreshing in a world of gourmet outlandishness.

Will I take a risk and subscribe, hoping that its parent magazine has enough pull to keep it going, at least for as long as my subscription lasts? Maybe so. I am always looking for more culinary arts all I have to do is find more time in my day to actually READ it all.


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