
Last night I embarked upon creating a tried-and-true vegetarian recipe for Ken and I. I discovered this recipe two years ago after my aunt Melinda gave me some recipe cards she had from a Vegetarian Times subscription. The title of the dish, "Home-y, Hearty Lentil Loaf," didn't grab me (probably wouldn't grab anybody, even a vegetarian), so I changed the name to simply "Vegetarian Meat?loaf."

Now, don't turn your noses up quite yet. It is not so much a meat-flavored dish as it is a lentil dish. I will tell you what I tell people about veggie isn't meat, so don't try to compare it to meat. It is what it is....but it's not meat. I think we could enjoy more vegetarian delicacies if we quit spending all of our time looking over the plate for any traces of hidden meat hidden underneath something else. Enjoy it and savor might just like it!

So, here is a chronology of the basic steps in the meat?loaf-making process. I will refrain from posting the recipe, simply because I doubt many of you out there would try to make it in your own kitchens. However, if you are curious, feel free to comment me and I will post it there.


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