Soup and the summertime

I know it's insanely hot outside, but nonetheless, we had "soup and bread night" with our home group tonight. It was a raving success. We didn't coordinate soup types beforehand, but everyone brought a different type and they all blended together beautifully. I handed out small, shallow bowls in hopes that we'd all just try one at a time, going back for more (there were four soups total). It worked out great.

The menu:
- Ground beef chili with jalapeno cornbread
- White bean-chicken chili with jalapeno cornbread (a little different than the first type, I assure you....funny how everyone has their own special cornbread recipe and technique)
- Garden vegetable soup with breadsticks
- Corn-potato chowder with toasted cheddar pita chips
- (oh, and a delectable fudge swirl cake covered completely with M&M's for dessert)

I highly recommend this among your entertaining friends. Summer or winter, people love a good bowl of soup.


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