Who would've thought?
On a recent trip to Earthfare, there was a sample station set up near the entrance with a man handing out ice cream. Peach ice cream, to be exact. What made me take a double take was that the ice cream was spilling out the front of a Champion juicer.
I bought one of these juicers last summer, and I have to admit, I haven't used it as often as I should. Enter a new and novel way to use it: I'm hooked. I marked this thought down to pull up later when I came across some fresh peaches.
Which is what I did yesterday. I exited our local produce stand with some ripened peaches, 1/2 peck to be exact (I always way overestimate). I came home and promptly set to work on this cold treat. Seven hours later, what you see here is what came out of my wonderful juicing machine. Pure delight. I never knew peaches could be captured so poetically within a slurry of milk and sugar.
(Makes 1 quart)
2 cups sliced peaches (peeled)
1-1/2 c. organic skim milk
1/2 c. raw sugar
1/2 t. pure vanilla extract
1 t. lecithin granules (optional)
Homogenize the peaches with the juicer. Add to this the remaining ingredients, and stir well with a whisk. Place in a flat tray with sides OR carefully divide into ice cube trays. Freeze until firm. Cut up ice mixture into chunks (if on tray) or remove mixture from ice cube trays. Put through juicer (using front spout, as with homogenizing). Freeze till of desired consistency.
(Can also do the first step in a blender.)