"Meg's First Time Cooking a Turkey" (in pictures)

So, here it is. What you've all been waiting for. An opportunity to gleefully laugh at another one's misfortunes....that is, my being forced to put my hand up in the crevice of a dead fowl.


You want me to put my hand WHERE? And pull out WHAT?!!?

My actual expression whilst completeing aforementioned task.

Whew. It's all contained in the nice little, sterile, clean(er) Reynolds oven bag. Now to the oven, bird! I can forget about you for three hours.

The finished turkey. Ah. Gorgeous. Succulent. Golden delicious. I deeply apologized to the bird numerous times for have taken his life to feed my friends. (Although I reluctantly reminded myself that he would have died anyway, whether I bought him or not. Oh, well.) Bon Appetit!!!


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